Title: World Art Fair SV & San Francisco 2014
I shot and produced this short & fun video that shows this exhibitions highlighted art work. I'd be honored if you checked it out! Enjoy!
Description: I was honored and blessed to have shown and sold my art at this year's 2014 Silicon Valley & San Francisco World Art Fair at San Mateo Event Center. This show was Amazing! It was by far the largest and most exclusive show I've ever been part in over my 20 year career. It was exciting to hang my work next to Banksy, (one of my inspirations), among so many other wonderful artists who blew my mind and spirit. There were 75 galleries from all over the world exhibiting the art of their represented artists. The McLoughlin Gallery in San Francisco, CA who represents my work was present at this major creative exposition. The show ran for 4 days and attracted more than 5,000 people. I was in awe as I walked around the 80,000 sqaure foot warehouse, caught in constant surrealism regarding how fortunate I was to be asked to show my own art in this show. The career of an artist could take novels to explain and yet still one couldn't explain the emotions and hardships that go along with this lifestyle without great challenge. I've spent 20 years following my dream, a simple sounding dream, but far far from simple in execution.
This dream has been and always will be to create my own art the way I need to create it, and then to live off the sales from it as my only means of supporting my family and myself. There are so many artists who let their passions slip back onto the back burner while choosing a safer more financially secure way to earn their living. I tried this and it just didn't settle right with me. I feel as if I came into this world for one major reason, and that was to promote the imagination while using creativity as a way of connecting with others. At 37 years old now, I can humbly say that I am doing just this, (and besides the love for my children) it's been the single most joyous feat I've ever experienced. I truly believe that the only reason why our spirits initially choose life in a human body is to pursue our dreams. Nothing else compares in comparison. I'm inspired by those who have before me, and aim to do the same for others who are presently facing the obstacles that may be holding them back from going all in. I thank everyone involved with this show, and am excited to see what future opportunities may come from it. I spend 90% of my time alone in my studio creating, so when I am able to show others what I spend my life doing I become filled with a great sense of peace. Thank you for taking the tine to check out my work, vision, and hope.