Title: The Lady Bug's Journey
8in x 8in (8 canvas blocks)
Medium-acrylic & oil
Currently Available For Purchase
Description: I wanted to paint a series of small canvas panels that would portray the abstract journey of a Lady Bug and the colors that would surround this quest. I've been experimenting lately with a lose approach to my abstract paintings. Instead of the tight lines creating more definite shapes and distinction between the colors, I've oppositely been choosing to paint with a blurred brush stroke. This casual approach has resulted in a flow that seems to melt into itself rather than to layer itself as would the layers in a Photoshop image. By nature I tend to gravitate towards a more design type of feel rather than letting the color fall outside of the lines. It's taken me some time to achieve the confidence needed to paint in this fashion. Leaving the technicality to chance in some situations can be scary, however it also allows for the freedom regarding the mystery in the end result. I love to control paint and to create the image in my head, but its rewarding to let the painting have a voice of its own. It makes me feel as if I'm being generous in a way. To give credit to chance is to experience the youthfulness of being surprised.