Title: 'Ransom Barbie' from the 'Barbie Chose The Road Less Traveled Series' by artist Bryan Boutwell
High Quality 14in x 13in Art Prints Currently Available For Purchase
Description: I created a series of dark humor pop art Barbie Scenes using 1:6 scale dolls and accessories and the use of a green screen modeling set I built. I chose to create the Barbie Scenes as an excercise into irony. Barbie is known and branded in the USA as the vision of idealistic perfection. It's a toy thats used to teach little girls in our country that this is what a successful beautiful woman should look like. I wanted to trash that idea and flip it on its head. I designed scenes making Barbie the villain or bad girl instead of the Do-Gooder she is normally associated with being. In this particular scene Barbie and Ken have abducted a little girl and are attempting to make a ransom video in order to make money. I chose to suit them in all Black and braided Barbie's hair to give her a different bad ass look. I made the newspaper in the little girls hands just like the way they do in ransom situations to show the date and proof that the person kidnapped was still alive. I chose to put them in a deserted parking lot that shows the van they used to kidnap the girl. This was my first time working with a green screen and building a modeling scene. It was much much more challenging than I imagined it would be. I was pleased with the end result and will take many learning lessons into the next scene I create. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to email any questions regarding the piece as well as prints to purchase.
Bryan Boutwell