Motion Picture Title: Germ -Preliminary Make-Up Trials For Horror Movie

Motion Picture Title: Germ -Preliminary Make-Up Trials For Horror Movie

Motion Picture Title: Germ -Preliminary Make-Up Trials For Horror Movie- (2009) –(Assistant Art Director-Bryan Matthew Boutwell –Responsible for Special FX, Make-up, Set Design, Props. -Acting Roll-zombie.

Film Location=Syracuse NY) In this photo we are testing out the make-up, blood, and Special FX that we made prior to shooting the movie. For 2 weeks before the movie began shooting we had to perfect our technique and ingredients in order to know that they would work properly. It took us quite a bit of experimenting before we found the perfect dark and rich color of red for the blood. In this photo the color was still to pinkish.

We nailed down the right mixtures in those weeks though and were ready when the movie began. My favorite part about the Art trials was the neighbors reactions to us when walking bye . They had no clue that we were doing a movie, so they only saw images like this one! It was hilarious to see their faces as they walked past our set.

