Broken Rainbows (A Short and Unique Animation About Adults Following Their Dreams)
Description: Broken Rainbows was a collaboration art project by Artist Bryan Boutwell, Steven Yu, and (6 Year Old) Shannan Boutwell. Steven Yu created the illustrations, Bryan Boutwell wrote the lyrics, animated it, and produced the audio & video. Shannan Boutwell (Age 6) recited the vocals. "This project was based off of the importance of following ones dreams at all costs. I wanted to write & produce a video that allowed my inner child the opportunity to speak to all of the inner children living inside other adults. My beautiful 6 year old son Shannan Boutwell helped me out tremendously with this vision. He lent me his voice by reciting what Id written so that my inner child's message could be conveyed with more effectiveness. Steven Yu is an amazing illustrator who creates graphic novels among many other mediums of art. His unique style is what drew him to me. Im blessed to have had the opportunity to work with him and my son. I believe following our dreams is the most important choice that we can make with our lives. I'm honored that you took the time to watch what we created and wish you all the very best in all you attempts while pursuing your own dreams."-Bryan Matthew Boutwell